EU-U.S. NanoEHS Communities of Research Workshop – Oct. 16, 2024

EU-U.S. NanoEHS Communities of Research Workshop
October 16, 2024, Dübendorf (Zürich), Switzerland

National Nanotechnology Initiative |
Swiss Federal Institute for Aquatic Science and Technology |
International Network for Researching, Advancing, and Assessing Materials for Environmental Sustainability |

The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the NNI and co-hosts EAWAG and INFRAMES, announces the annual EU-U.S. NanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs) Workshop at the EAWAG campus in Dübendorf, Switzerland.
The 2024 meeting is open to all interested persons and will be held as a hybrid event ahead of, and co-located with, the INFRAMES Fall 2024 meeting (October 17–18) on Scaling up pilot studies of complex systems. CORs workshop attendees are invited to attend the INFRAMES meeting, as both meetings will explore complementary themes and topics.
The EU-U.S. NanoEHS CORs is a multidisciplinary community of nanotechnology environmental, health, and safety scientists primarily from the United States and Europe. The annual meetings of the CORs feature discussions of scientific advancements and engage participants to bring diverse perspectives to real-world challenges and emerging applications of nanotechnology environmental, health, and safety research. The CORs provide a unique platform for envisioning transnational, cross-disciplinary approaches to responsible development and application of nanotechnology, nanomaterials, and advanced materials.
Click here to download the workshop report.
*Virtual participation offered
9 am/3 am/12 am |
* Welcome and opening remarks |
Jurgen Tiedje (EC Research and Innovation Directorate General (DG RTD))
Branden Brough and Quinn Spadola (NNCO)
Carsten Schubert (EAWAG Directorate) |
9:20 am/3:20 am/12:20 am |
* Keynote: NanoSafetyCluster Roadmap ‘Safe and Sustainable Advanced and Innovative Materials 2024-2030’ |
Monique Groenewold (Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
Presentation |
10:15 am/4:15 am/1:15 am |
10:30 am/4:30 am/1:30 am |
* Nanomaterials within an Advanced Materials Framework: Definitions, Regulation, and Sustainability
[Chairs/moderator: Vladimir Lobaskin (University College Dublin) and Anil Patri (U.S. FDA), Characterization COR co-chairs] |
Hubert Rauscher (EC Joint Research Centre)
Janet Carter (U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
Agnes Oomen (University of Amsterdam and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment)
11:45 am/5:45 am/2:45 am |
12 pm/6 am/3 am |
* Responsible research and innovation within the global nanotechnology community
[Keld Alstrup Jensen (Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment) and Khara Grieger (North Carolina State University), Risk Management COR co-chairs] |
Keld Alstrup Jensen and Khara Grieger
Steffan Foss Hansen (Technical University of Denmark)
Presentation |
1 pm/7 am/4 am |
Co-chairs meet over lunch |
2:15 pm/8:15 am/5:15 am |
Introduction to the interactive exercise |
Olga Tsyusko-Unrine (University of Kentucky), Ecotoxicity COR co-chair
Paul Westerhoff (Arizona State University) and Christof Asbach (German Institute of Energy and Environmental Technology), Exposure COR co-chairs
2:40 pm/8:40 am/5:40 am |
*Scaling up laboratory-to-mesocosm studies: Applications beyond engineered nanomaterials |
Melanie Auffan (European Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE))
Presentation |
3 pm/9 am/6 am |
Interactive exercise |
Olga Tsyusko-Unrine, Paul Westerhoff, and Christof Asbach |
3:45 pm/9:45 am/6:45 am |
4 pm/10 am/7 am |
* Presentations: Scaling up in complex systems: |
Metadata and informatics needs and challenges: Introduction |
Thomas Exner ( and Fred Klaessig (Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems), Databases and Computational Modeling COR co-chairs
Presentation; Presentation |
Mesoscale research for climate and agricultural sustainability. [Introduction: Mark Wiesner (Duke University, Risk Assessment COR co-chair)] |
Greg Lowry (Carnegie Mellon University) |
Translating dosing regimen when scaling up systems. [Introduction: Arno Gutleb (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Human Toxicity COR co-chair)] |
Tobias Stöger (HelmHoltz Munich)
Presentation |
5:15 pm/11:15 am/8:15 am |
Discussion: Interactive exercise |
Olga Tsyusko-Unrine |
5:30 pm/11:30 am/8:30 am |
Day 1 Wrap-Up |
Quinn Spadola |
6 pm/12 pm/9 am |
Networking Session |
Hosted by INFRAMES and EAWAG |