The U.S.-EU Nanotechnology Communities of Research (CORs) provide a platform for scientists to collaboratively identify and address key research needs through community-led activities such as telecons, webinars, publications, and annual in-person meetings. There are currently seven CORs addressing questions about the potential environmental, health, and safety (EHS) implications of nanomaterials. Each COR has one U.S.-based co-chair and one EU-based co-chair.
EU-U.S. NanoEHS CORs Workshop - October 16, 2024
Interested in participating in the U.S.-EU NanoEHS CORs?

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Please note, your personal information (name and email) is processed to organize, deliver, and follow up on COR meetings and events. If you would like to be removed from these lists, please email CORMembership@nnco.nano.gov to unsubscribe.