2013 04 19 Databases and Ontologies Survey Results

Databases & Computational Modeling for NanoEHS’s Docs 2013 04 19 Databases and Ontologies Survey Results

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2013-04-16 Nanotechnology Databases and Ontologies Survey
What is the name of the nanotechnology resource?What type of resource is this?What is the funding source for the nanotechnology resource (if known)?What is the focus or scope of the resource?Please provide a brief description or abstract of the resources (if available)Who are the principal investigators and/or points-of-contact for the resource (if known)?What is the URL for the resource (if available)?
caNanoLabDatabaseUS National Institutes of Health National Cancer InstituteNanomedicine, Nanotechnology environmental health and safetyWelcome to the cancer Nanotechnology Laboratory (caNanoLab) portal. caNanoLab is a data sharing portal designed to facilitate information sharing in the biomedical nanotechnology research community to expedite and validate the use of nanotechnology in biomedicine. caNanoLab provides support for the annotation of nanomaterials with characterizations resulting from physico-chemical and in vitro assays and the sharing of these characterizations and associated nanotechnology protocols in a secure fashion.Sharon Gaheenhttps://cananolab.nci.nih.gov/caNanoLab/
Institute of Future Technologies (IFT)Database, Ontology, taxonomy, or other vocabulary, Search engine, Analysis software, Big data integration, processing and analysisGovernmental, institutional and industrial.Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology environmental health and safety, Nanodevices, General nanotechnology, IFT iangural focus is on nanoelectronics for aerospace and defenceIFT is a prospective online collaborative environment and virtual organisation for research and standardization in nanotechnology involving the actual implementation of a comprehensive collaborative environment for ontology manipulation and depends directly on expert knowledge in a number of areas, including techniques for construction, decomposition, evolution and merging of ontologies. The platform and approaches used are general and can be applied in any sector or information system.

IFT will provide a freely available tool bench, to be made available through the portal www.iftglobal.org that can be used by any ontology engineering group. The tool bench will be useful for expert groups involved in developing foundational ontologies. The tool bench itself will be "ontology neutral", and won't impose any particular modelling style.

Central to the idea of IFT is the notion of content and the ability to restrict, target and isolate information to/from particular classes of users, here simply referred to as groups. IFT will serve as a focal point where these groups can interact, collaborate and communicate — it will act as a central repository where users can easily disseminate and obtain information, communicate with each other, and perform relatively complex management functions. It can be perceived as a mixture of content management, professional networking, and project management system.
Nordic Quantum Computing Group AS
Oslo Innovation Center, N-0349 Oslo, NORWAY
Tel: +47 930 65 500
E-mail: axel@nqcg.com
Web: http://www.nqcg.com/
JRC NANOhubDatabaseEUNanotechnology environmental health and safetyNon-public database, based on IUCLID, with additional, nanospecific physicochemical  endpoints.
Used by the OECD WPMN and several EU research projects
Contact point: Hubert Rauscher
DaNa Knowledge BaseDatabase, Ontology, taxonomy, or other vocabularyDECHEMA, Research institutes in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, BelgiumGeneral nanotechnology, NanomaterialsThe database contains information about products and applications with nanomaterials.Dr. Christoph Steinbach, Dr. Andreas Förster, DECHEMA e.V
Nanomaterial RegistryDatabaseNIH, NCI, NIBIB, NIEHSGeneral nanotechnology"An authoritative website that compiles data from multiple databases into a single resource, the Nanomaterial Registry (NR) provides tools for analyzing and comparing data on the biological and environmental implications of well-characterized nanomaterials. This resource will evolve as the quality and quantity of the information on nanomaterials improve. Hundreds of nanomaterial entries have been curated into the NR for physico-chemical characteristics and are available to the public. Biological and environmental study data for existing nanomaterial entries will also be curated into the NR."RTI International
3040 Cornwallis Road
P.O. Box 12194
RTP, NC 27709
InterNanoDatabase, Ontology, taxonomy, or other vocabulary, Search engineNational Science Foundation Award Number CMMI-1025020nanomanufacturingInterNano is an information resource for the nanomanufacturing community. It is a service of the National Nanomanufacturing Network.

InterNano informs and connects the NM community. InterNano pursues this mission by creating, collecting, organizing, describing, contextualizing, and disseminating relevant and timely resources. InterNano employs appropriate and current web technologies so that users can both extract and contribute information to the InterNano knowledgebase. InterNano works cooperatively with complementary informatics initiatives to facilitate data sharing among groups engaged with aspects of NM. InterNano is currently NSF-funded but will become self-sustaining.

InterNano components include: a research repository, a directory of organizations and experts, expert reviews and news highlights, a process database, a taxonomy, an event calendar, and news, jobs, and call feeds.
Director of the National Nanomanufacturing Network - Mark Tuominen
Managing Director of the National Nanomanufacturing Network - Jeff Morse
InterNano Project Manager - Jessica Adamick - jadamick@library.umass.edu
Nano Exposure and Contextual Information Database (NECID)Database, Search engineThe database is being developed under the umbrella of PEROSH. Contributing institutes supply their own funding.Nanotechnology occupational health and safetyAmongst a working group of PEROSH institutes, IFA and TNO are developing a database structure called NECID (Nano Exposure and Contextual Information Database), which will include exposure data and contextual information. The database will facilitate the future comparing and sharing of nano exposure data, because the exposure data of different research institutes are collected and stored in a uniform and harmonized way. The new nano exposure database will be based on the characteristics of existing databases (ART database, MEGA) and the NANOSH dataset. The development of NECID is currently in progress and a first beta version of NECID is expected at the beginning of 2013.Wouter Fransman, TNO (The Netherlands)
Johannes Pelzer, IFA (Germany)
Ismo Koponen, NRCWE (Denmark)
Delphine Bard, HSL (UK)
Olivier Witschger, INRS (France)
Agurtzane Zugasti, INSHT (Spain)
Elzbieta Jankowska, CIOP (Poland)
Arto Säämänen, FIOH (Finland)
not yet available
Nanoparticle Information Library (NIL)Database Nanotechnology environmental health and safetyThe goal of the NIL is to help occupational health professionals, industrial users, worker groups, and researchers organize and share information on nanomaterials, including their health and safety-associated properties.

The information that NIOSH has incorporated into the searchable online database includes:

    Nanomaterial composition
    Method of production
    Particle size, surface area, and morphology (included scanning, transmission, or other electron micrographic images)
    Demonstrated or intended applications of the nanomaterial
    Availability for research or commercial applications
    Associated or relevant publications
    Points of contact for additional details or partnering
Art Miller, PhD
315 E. Montgomery Ave.
Spokane, WA 99207
Tel: (509) 354-8028
Fax:  (509) 354-8099

Mark D Hoover, PhD, CHP, CIH
NIOSH, Division of Respiratory Disease Studies
1095 Willowdale Road
Morgantown, WV 26505-2888
Tel: (304) 285-6374
Fax: (304) 285-6321
Email: mark.hoover@cdc.hhs.gov
Nanosafety Cluster Database Working GroupWG General nanotechnologyThe Databases WG of the EU Nanosafety Cluster is tasked with agreeing the structure and ontology of a European-wide database for project results and data, that will ensure longevity of data (beyond individual project lifetimes) and enable wide uptake and accessibility of the data to modellers, risk assessors and other researchers, as well as being able to communicate with other international databases.

The first step towards this is an assessment of the current state-of-the-art in available databases and nano-etymology, to ensure that we are not reinventing the wheel, but that our decisions are informed, and our final product meets the needs of the entire research community.
Chair: Iseult Lynch, University College Dublinhttp://www.nanosafetycluster.eu/working-groups/4-database-wg.html
Nanosafety ClusterWG Nanotechnology environmental health and safety, General nanotechnologyThe EU NanoSafety Cluster is a DG RTD NMP initiative to maximise the synergies between the existing FP6 and FP7 projects addressing all aspects of nanosafety including toxicology, ecotoxicology, exposure assessment, mechanisms of interaction, risk assessment and standardisation.

Participation in the NanoSafety cluster is voluntary for projects that commenced prior to April 2009, and is compulsory for nano-EHS projects started since April 2009.
For further information on the NanoSafety Cluster please email info (at) nanosafetycluster.eu
EU Representatives:

    Nicolas Segebarth & Georgios Katalagarianakis, Programme Officers, Directorate General for Research & Innovation
International Alliance for NanoEHS HarmonizationAnalysis software Experimental data collection and validationUnderstanding the biological impacts of nanoparticles on human health and the environment is important to secure the safe and responsible world-wide implementation of nanotechnology. Technical differences of opinion on toxicological impacts of nanoparticles have arisen in the literature, and most scientists are increasingly aware of the challenges of achieving reproducibility. Confusion arising from these differences can lead to undeserved negative public perception of nanotechnology, without basis in scientific fact. On the other hand, if genuine hazards are identified, this confusion could lead to the warnings of scientists being ignored. The priority is to create a trustworthy, and trusted, co-operation between scientists where results are simultaneously and carefully checked in blind studies, in different laboratories around the world. http://www.nanoehsalliance.org/sections/Home
Swiss Nano-CubeDatabase, Ontology, taxonomy, or other vocabulary, E-Learning PlatformSwiss Governmental organisations (Swiss Federal Office for the Environment, Swiss Federal Office for Professional Education, Swiss Federal Office for Public Health), Industry,General nanotechnology, EducationSwiss Nano-Cube is the national knowledge and education platform for micro and nanotechnology. It adresses teachers and students from  vocational schools, secondary schools as well as higher professional schools.

The aim of the platform is to arouse interest for micro and nanotechnologies among students and young professionals and to provide comprehensive yet understandable information to teachers.

Swiss Nano-Cube is developed and coordinated by The Innovation Society, St.Gallen, and the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET). The educational contents of this project are elaborated and implemented together with partners from science, education and industry as well as Swiss Federal Offices and governmental organisations.
Teachers, students, interested public. All contents are available in German, some in French, Italian and Englishwww.swissnanocube.ch
The International Nanotechnology Community (TINC)information sharing??General nanotechnology ??http://www.nanopaprika.eu/profile/tinc?xg_source=msg_share_post
University of Tampere, Medical school, Department of otolaryngology. Project database is stored in closed serverDatabaseEU FP6 framework, EU FP7 frameworkNanomedicine, NanodevicesThe goal of the project is to deliver new therapeutic systems to restore hearing and to combine tissue repair using CIs. We have developed nanoparticle carriers to transport therapeutic agents, such as drugs, genes, small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) and growth factors into the inner ear to repair cellular injury, restore tissue growth and induce cellular regeneration. Several multifunctional nanoparticles (MFNPs) have been developed, which are targetable to selected tissue, biodegradable, traceable in-vivo, and equipped with controlled drug/gene release. This technology is aimed to be used as alternative carrier to viral vectors used in gene delivery, but without with severe adverse effect due to the character of viruses.Ilmari Pyykkö,
Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Univeristy of Tampere, Medical school.
Tampere 33520, Finland
e-mail: ilmari.pyykko@uta.fi
NanodiagnosticsInformation sharingGovernmental and private fundsNanotechnology environmental health and safetyAnalyses are carried out in pathological human and animal tissues to search engineered nanoparticles and nanosized by-products. The investigation serves for a personalized medicineDr. Antonietta M. Gatti- International Fellow of the Union of the Societies of Biomaterials and Engineering c/o Nnaodiagnostics, Modena ITALYwww.nanopathology.it; www.nanodiagnostics.it
www.nanotechnology.basf.comcollection of published studiesCorporate funding + BMBF and EUNanoSafetyBASg is publishing studies thesy have performed on the Saftey of Nanomaterials. The publications and some general info can be found here.Dr. Carolin Kranz (PoC)
Dr. Robert Landsiedel (PI)
SAFENANOKnowledge BaseInternally resourcedNanotechnology environmental health and safetySAFENANO provides an independent and impartial resource on nanotechnology environment, health and safety issues, focussed on interpreting and disseminating emerging scientific evidence about the potential risks to health and the environment arising from the development and use of nanotechnology.  The SAFENANO Knowledge Base provides a wide range of current and emerging information through a number of key offerings:

Current Awareness - Latest news, features and blogs, events calendar, and our monthly news bulletin.

Guidance - Introduction and key principles, commentary and links to guidance for safe handling, exposure, hazard and risks.

Regulation - Latest developments in substance and product, workplace and environmental regulations on nanoparticles and nanomaterials.

Standards - An introduction to this emerging area, with commentary on areas of focus for standardisation bodies and links to standards.

Resources - Reading list of key papers and reports, listing of SAFENANO's research outputs, links to other major websites, multimedia sources, FAQs and a nano-EHS Glossary.
Dr Steve Hankin (Section Head, SAFENANO)
Sheona Read (SAFENANO Staff Scientist & Associate Editor)
lazar (Lazy Structure Activity Relationships), OpenTox/ToxBank webservicesAnalysis softwareFP7 projects OpenTox, ModNanoTox and ToxBankToxicity predictionsA predictive toxicology framework suited for the development of nanoQSAR models (applicability currently limited by availability of public nanotoxicity data)Christoph Helma (helma@in-silico.ch)https://github.com/opentox
Nanobiotechnology Research GroupResearch groupThe Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
European Commission
Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology environmental health and safetyIt is a research group at Yeditepe University, Istanul, TurkeyProf. Dr. Mustafa Culhahttp://nanobio.yeditepe.edu.tr/
AGNES  (Absence of Gradients and Nernstian Equilibrium Stripping)Chemical AnalysisCatalan, Spanish and European basic research projects.Nanotechnology environmental health and safetyAGNES allows the determination of certain free metal ion concentrations (e.g. Zn(II), Cu(II), Pb(II), etc.) and, thus, elucidate the solubility kinetics and thermodynamics of some nanoparticles (e.g. ZnO) in different media. The free ion concentration knowledge is also key for toxicological studies. AGNES can be run with conventional equipment (such as a potentiostat) in chemical labs.Josep Galceran    galceran@quimica.udl.cat
Jaume Puy     jpuy@quimica.udl.cat
Encarna Companys   ecompanys@quimica.udl.cat
Carlos Rey-Castro    carlos.rey@quimica.UdL.es
Database on environmental toxicity of synthetic nanoparticles (will be completed by the end of 2014)DatabaseEuropean Union Structural Funds and targeted funding from Estonian Ministry of Education and ResearchNanotechnology environmental health and safetyThe database contains ecotoxicological data for synthetic nanoparticles that are produced in significant amounts or widely used in consumer products.Anne Kahru - anne.kahru@kbfi.ee
Angela Ivask - angela.ivask@kbfi.ee
Online Browsing Platform (OBP)Database, Ontology, taxonomy, or other vocabulary, Search engineISO central secretariatNanomedicine, Nanotechnology environmental health and safety, Nanodevices, General nanotechnologyAccess to the most up to date content in ISO standards, graphical symbols, codes or terms and definitions. Search within documents and easily navigation between standards. More than 10’000 standards already available, with more to come!ISO central secretariathttps://www.iso.org/obp/ui/
NanoSight - Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis - NTAAnalysis software, Characterization TechnologyThis is a commercial company, with a strong science base and international reach, willing to undertake demonstration and collaboration concerning nanomaterials characterization.Nanomedicine, Nanotechnology environmental health and safety, General nanotechnology, CharacterizationNanoSight is a commercial company with unique technology to count and size nanoparticles in liquids in the range 10 -1,000nm, dependent on thev material.  The technology is Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis.Dr Patrick Hole, emaiol is patrickhole at nanosight dot com
Jeremy Warren, email is jeremywarren at nanosight dot com
SafeNano NorwayNational networkNorwegian Research Council and individual institutions internal fundingNanotechnology environmental health and safetyThe SafeNano Norway initiative is a venture part funded by the Research Council of Norway (NANOMAT program) and a group of leading research institutions and universities. The initiative is designed to help industrial and academic communities quantify and control the risks to their workforce, as well as to consumers, the general population and the environment, through both information provision and active research. The aim of SafeNano Norway is to create a self-sustaining national network for industry and scientists to develop safe nanotechnology and increase public confidence in nanoproducts.SINTEF Materials and Chemistry - Andy Booth
Norwegian Institute for Public Health (NIPH) - Magne Refsnes
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) - Kevin Thomas
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) - Maria Dusinska
University of Bergen (UiB) - Mihaela Roxana Cimpan
Norwegain University of Life Sciences (UMB) - Deborah Oughton
Bioforsk - Erik Joner
Norwegian Oslo and Akershus University College (OAUC) - Ellen Marie Forsberg
GenØk - Fern Wickson
Norwegian National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI) - Vidar Skaug
International Council on Nanotechnology Virtual JournalDatabase Nanotechnology environmental health and safetyAn electronic knowledge base for accessing peer-reviewed publications in nanotechnologyProf. Vicki Colvinicon.rice.edu
GoodNanoGuideDatabase workplace practicesThe GoodNanoGuide is a collaboration platform designed to enhance the ability of experts to exchange ideas on how best to handle nanomaterials in an occupational setting. It is meant to be an interactive forum that fills the need for up-to-date information about current good workplace practices, highlighting new practices as they develop.Dr. Kristen Kulinowskihttp://www.goodnanoguide.org
The Nanomaterial-Biological Interactions KnowledgebaseDatabaseNIEHS, Safer Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing NetworkNanotechnology environmental health and safety, nanotoxicicityDatabase of nanomaterial potential toxicity measured in embryonic zebrafish.  Searchable, downloadable data compatible with ISA-TAB-Nano standard specification for data sharing.Dr. Stacey Lynn Harperhttp://nbi.oregonstate.edu/
Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

The primary aim of the “SIINN” ERA-NET is to help create an optimum environment within Europe with which to pro-mote the safe, rapid transfer of innovative nanoscience and nanotechnology research and development into indus-trial application.
Database, SIINN general informationEuropean Commission, SIINN ERA-NET, Grant agreement no: 265799Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and NanotechnologyThe SIINN Data platform uses as backbone the NANOhup of JRC (Joint Research Center of the European Commission)Annmemarie Gemperli, TEMAS AG, CH9320 Arbon, Switzerland.

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April 24, 2013 at 3:39 pm Stacey Standridge
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April 18, 2013 at 10:29 am Stacey Standridge
April 18, 2013 at 10:27 am Stacey Standridge
April 18, 2013 at 10:22 am Stacey Standridge