2013 04 12 Subgroup 5 Teleconference Minutes

Risk Assessment’s Docs 2013 04 12 Subgroup 5 Teleconference Minutes

Attendees: Mark Wiesner, Liz Casman, Christine Hendren

Recommended work products from our objective:
With 1) the recognition that the primary benefit of this CoR is to enable an ongoing conversation between nanotechnology risk assessment researchers in the US and EU that may not otherwise be possible outside of this forum, and 2) the acknowledgment that there is a natural limitation on the amount of time and attention that those involved can contribute to this unfunded effort, we propose the following as an output of Objective 5 (and, moreover, the other objectives of the CoR):
We propose that the us-eu.org website for the RIsk Assessment CoR could be a valuable work product in itself, with the goal of serving as a touchstone resource for people to access in order to find out what is happening in the US and in Europe regarding the determination of underlying physicochemical parameters and environmental conditions that can be used as predictors of nanoparticle risks.  As with the other objectives, this is a moving target, so members could contribute resources and links on an ongoing basis to other relevant efforts and publications.  See below for a potential organizational structure and short list of types of resources:


Who has looked at this for nanotechnology in particular?

Who has looked at this for other topics that we could leverage in relation to nanotechnology?

Review data to assess underlying physicochemical parameters and environmental conditions that can be used as predictors of nanoparticle risks
  • Links to other relevant groups
  • Copies of relevant publications or documents related to this CoR
  •  Links to other relevant groups
  • Copies of relevant publications or documents related to this CoR
Please feel free to reply with any comments or edits to this plan.

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