2013 02 14 Teleconference Minutes

Risk Assessment’s Docs 2013 02 14 Teleconference Minutes


1.  The meeting centered around the Scope and Objectives, which we all developed together last fall.  These are essentially finalized and agreed-upon, but may need some small tweaks to respond to the commentary summarized from the Helsinki conference held last October 2012.  The full list of documents provided to prepare for the meeting can be found here.
2.  To move forward, we agreed that each objective would be associated with a sub-group of CoR members, who will work together to propose some work products for the objectives, incorporate any slight changes to the wording of the objectives, and present these suggestions to the whole group during our next meeting.
3.  We will plan to meet again in March to discuss the progress on defining work products for the objectives and capitalize on the momentum; after that, will plan to meet every other month to allow for sub-groups to work on addressing their objectives in the interim.
Review the Scope and Objectives document found here.  This version includes comments embedded to show where the Helsinki input could be incorporated.  It shows the objectives in a table form, with columns for Sub-Group Members as well as associated work products.  Please review this document and determine which objectives you would be interested in participating in a dedicated sub-group to address.  Then, please sign up for the sub-groups you’re interested in via the form Stacey has kindly created here, and please do so no later than the end of Tuesday, February 19th (wherever you are in the world). After this time, the first person on each of those lists will contact the others on the list to coordinate discussions regarding the proposed path forward, including work products and timelines, to be presented at the next full CoR meeting.
A few things to keep in mind that came from our group discussion:
  • Even distribution of membership across the 9 objectives is not imperative at this time. It is likely that some of the later objectives on the list will be difficult to address until progress is made toward some of the first objectives listed, and it may be that some of the objectives lend themselves to being grouped together with regard to their efforts and associated sub-groups.  For the time being, everyone should sign up for whatever interests them, and we can address these thoughts at the next CoR meeting.
  • Keep in mind that it will be good to generate progress in time to present at next year’s CoR conference in November 2013.
As you review the Objectives, it may be that you are aware of existing resources that may already address parts of these goals.  The collection and sharing of such resources could in itself be a contribution to the nano risk assessment community, so we would like to post these existing resources on our CoR webpage where appropriate.  If you would, please send such items to Stacey Standridge <sstandridge@nnco.nano.gov> so that she can post them.  Do not feel limited to the sub-groups that you join, as we all may be familiar with resources addressing all of the objectives.
Please fill out the following doodle poll to find a time for our next meeting.  If nothing works we will try again for April 2013.
There has been a request for a list of our email addresses to be shared with the group to enable easier communication within sub-groups.  We want to make sure you have the opportunity to opt out of this, so please email Stacey Standridge by Tuesday, February 19th if you do NOT want your email shared with this CoR.  (If you do not respond we will conclude you do not object to sharing your email with this group).

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