2013 06 07 Joint COR Teleconference Minutes and Presentations

Human Toxicity’s Docs 2013 06 07 Joint COR Teleconference Minutes and Presentations

Joint CoR Teleconference

Predictive Modeling for Human Health COR and Databases & Ontologies COR


7th June 2013 



Christoffer ?berg (University College Dublin), Chris Cannizzaro (Department of State), Bengt Fadeel (Karolinska Institutet, Predictive Modeling for Human Health COR co-chair),Teresa Fernandes (Heriot Watt University),  Joe Fisher (U.S. Army), Marty Fritts (SAIC-Frederick, Inc. / NCI at Frederick), Karen Griffin (University College Dublin), Kim Guzan (RTI), Fred Klaessig (Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems, LLC), Karmann Mills (RTI), Theis Oosterwijk (TNO), Robert Rallo (Universitat Rovia I Virgili), Hubert Rauscher (JRC, Databases and Ontologies COR co-chair), Jim Riviere (Kansas State University, Predictive Modeling for Human Health COR co-chair), Stacey Standridge (NNCO), Amy Wang (U.S. EPA), Jeremy Warren (NanoSight),Christopher Weis (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences), Egon Willighagen (Maastricht Universit), Henrik Wolff (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), Bob Yokel (University of Kentucky)



Kim and Karmann presented an overview of the NanoMaterial Registry (https://www.nanomaterialregistry.org/). Egon summarized the new eNanoMapper project.

Please note: Click here to view the NanoMaterial Registry slides . The eNanoMapper slides will be posted in this document, pending approval from the eNanoMapper team.

Discussion Highlights:

      NanoMaterial Registry –

* The Registry employs 3-4 data curators: 1 full-time employee and 3 others split their time between lab work and data curation.
* RTI maintains a public log of users’ questions. The log is updated as issues are resolved.
* The NanoMaterial Registry team plans to add annotations for vocabulary in the future.
* Data for the Registry is submitted by scientists and goes through a vetting process
* There are no requirements for getting raw data from database sources. The standards are evolving for what should be in data that is reported.

      eNanoMapper –

* The goal of eNanoMapper is the development of an ontology and matching data warehouse to support ongoing nanosafety projects in the EU, specifically in the NanoSafety Cluster.
* Egon mentioned that the eNanoMapper project had also considered ranking the quality of data, noting that different communities have different data certification needs, and that the eNanoMapper project may decide to rank data with a score similarly to the NanoMaterial Registry’s minimal information about nanomaterials (MIAN) system.
*The eNanoMapper project does not have a website yet, but organizers hope to get one up as soon as possible. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Egon or Bengt directly.

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