2023 NanoEHS COR Workshop


November 16-17, 2023
In-person, Washington, D.C.

Register for the conference here.


The National Nanotechnology Coordination Office (NNCO), on behalf of the U.S. Government’s National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), and the European Commission, invites you to participate in the 2023 meeting of the U.S. -EU NanoEHS Communities of Research (CORs).

During this workshop, the vibrant international nanoEHS community will discuss lessons learned, share information on emerging research trends, and connect the U.S.-EU communities to nanosafety research in other geographic regions. The workshop agenda includes interactive sessions that engage participants in addressing real-world challenges and applications to the responsible development of nanotechnology. The NNI extends a special welcome to students and postdoctoral researchers.

The NNCO also invites the public to attend the NNI Nanoinformatics Conference on November 15. Register for this conference here. The conference is being organized to support the continued growth of the U.S. nanoinformatics research infrastructure and to strengthen NNI connections to the wider informatics communities in the United States and internationally. The NNI anticipates that discussions at both the Nanoinformatics Conference and the U.S.-EU COR Workshop will provide valuable perspectives, as the NNI revises its 2011 EHS Research Strategy.

Workshop Summary


Thursday, November 16

8:30–9 Check-in and Light Refreshments
9–9:15 Welcome and Overview Branden Brough (NNCO)
9:15–10 Keynote
Tae Geol Lee (Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
10–10:20 Creating Dynamic, Fit-for-Purpose NanoEHS Research Strategies
The U.S. and EU experience
Treye Thomas (Nanotechnology Environmental and Health Implications Working Group)
10:20–10:40 Report: NNI Nanoinformatics Conference Jaleesia Amos (Duke University) Holly Mortensen (U.S. EPA)
10:40 – 11 BREAK
11:00–12:30 The CORs Year in Review and Themes for 2024:
1. Bridging Engineered, Incidental, and Natural Nanomaterials
2. Nanomaterials to Nanotechnology: Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, and Nanodevices
CORs Co-chairs
12:30 –12:45 Introduction: Interactive Exercise­–Developing a Cross-disciplinary Nanoplastics EHS Research Agenda Facilitators: Anil Patri and Arno Gutleb
12:45 –2 LUNCH
2– 3:30 Nanotechnology for Sustainable Food and Agriculture Systems
(Human Toxicity and Risk Management CORs)
Session Co-chairs:  Khara Grieger, Christie Sayes, and Arno Gutleb
Evan Braswell (USDA)
Alok Adholeya (Umahari LLC)
Tim Duncan (U.S. FDA)
3:30–3:45 BREAK
3:45–4:45 Characterization of Real World Nanomaterials
(Characterization COR)
Session Co-chairs: Anil Patri and Vladimir Lobaskin
Souhail Al-Abed (U.S. EPA)
John Pettibone (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
4:45–5 Discussion and Day 1 Wrap-Up

Friday, November 17

8:15–8:45 Check-in and Light Refreshments
8:45–9 Opening Remarks/Housekeeping Quinn Spadola (NNCO)
9–10:30 Nanoplastics in the Environment
(Exposure and Ecotoxicity CORs)
Session Co-chairs: Alex Orlov, Christof Asbach, and Olga Tsyusko-Unrine
Baoshan Xing (U. Mass. Amherst)
Stacey Harper (Oregon State U.)
10:30–10:45 BREAK
10:45–12:15 Leveraging Data
Connecting Data Resources through Common Metadata and Translating Research into Standards, Guidelines, and Guidance Documents
(Databases & Computational Modeling COR)
Session Co-chairs: Fred Klaessig and Thomas Exner
Steffi Friedrichs (AcumenIST)
Fred Klaessig (Pennsylvania Bio Nano Systems)
Thomas Exner (Seven Past Nine)
12:15–1:15 LUNCH
1:15–2:45 Emerging and Persistent NanoEHS Risk Assessment Challenges
(Risk Assessment COR)
Session Chair: Jaleesia Amos
Andrew Whelton (Purdue University)
Annie Jarabek (U.S. EPA)
2:45–3:15 Interactive Nanoplastics Exercise Debrief Anil Patri and Arno Gutleb
3:15–3:30 BREAK
3:30–4 Discussion
Next Steps for the CORs
COR Co-chairs/Session chairs
Workshop Participants
4–4:15 Concluding Remarks and Adjournment Quinn Spadola


Tae Geol Lee
Head, Center for Nano-Bio Measurement, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
Dr. Lee is a principal research scientist at the Center for Nano-Bio measurement. His current research interests include quantitative surface analysis/imaging of organic/bio-samples for medical applications. He is an active member of ISO/TC 229 (Nanomaterials). Dr. Lee received M.S. and Ph. D. degrees in physical chemistry from Seoul National University.


Alok Adholeya
Umahari LLC
Souhail Al-Abed

Evan Braswell

Timothy Duncan


Steffi Friedrichs

Stacey Harper
Oregon State University

Annie Jarabek

Treye Thomas

Andrew Whelton

Purdue University

Baoshan Xing
University of Massachusetts Amherst


NNCO conducts public engagement on behalf of the NNI and provides technical and administrative support to the Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology subcommittee and acts as Federal government point of contact for the U.S.-EU NanoEHS CORs.

Learn more about the NNI’s 20th anniversary celebrations on nano.gov.

For further information, contact:

Rhema Bjorkland

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